Saturday, May 23, 2015

June's Dresses in "Leave it to Beaver"

I am currently watching season 1 of Leave it to Beaver and I thought I'd share a few of June Cleaver's outfits with you. (I was also curious to know how often June repeats outfits so I've been keeping an eye out.)

This dress with a wide collar and matching cuffs is in one of the very first episodes.
I always wear a dress like this when cooking, don't you?

In this publicity photo (available to purchase autographed on Jerry Mather's official website) you can see that the dress was a sage green plaid, with matching piping on the portrait collar and fabric covered buttons. She's wearing different jewelry than the screenshot above. 
 This unique 3-button dress has shown up in a few episodes (I'm halfway through the season so far).
Here's the 3-Button dress in another episode. She's wearing it with a cute apron.
A better view of the apron.
I really like this fur-trimmed collar suit. Perfect for an afternoon of looking at vacant lots.

Here's a publicity photo that shows it better.

 Here's one of June's Sunday suits.

Hat and gloves required.
This dress is quilted on the skirt part.

 Another view. Note the straw knitting bag with the poodles on it.

Here's a close-up of the print.
Fashionable sling-back heels for an evening of cards with the Rutherfords.

A cozy looking sweater to wear when you're serving sandwiches.
I wonder what color it was??

Here she is in season 4 wearing the same sweater!!

This sweater has a V-pattern knitted in.

Here's a ruffle-front striped shirt dress. It's actually a small gingham print with stripes.

 I found this publicity photo of the same dress.

 This gingham dress has a tie collar and matching belt.

 Note the pointed pockets.

This shows the bow better.

In another episode the points on the pockets are pressed down.

 This dress has tabs on the pockets.

A better view.

Here she's wearing a pretty print blouse and a straight skirt with tabs at the waist.
(Ward's digging down the seat of the chair if you were wondering about his expression.)

Here she's wearing the V-pattern sweater from above with the tab-waist skirt.

 This dress has a slim skirt and a fancy belt.

It also has unique split sleeves.

This pretty gingham dress has a gingham trimmed collar and pin-tucks down the front.

 This shot shows more of the dress (note the turn in the stairs).

Here's a cute plaid dress with a leather belt.

 And another plaid dress.

This one's a sheath.

 This dress has delicate lace trim up the front.

You can see it better in this picture.

You can see here that it has the same trim up the back.

 This sweater has the same unique grouping of 3 buttons as the first dress.

This plaid skirt has a matching plaid neckerchief.

Another view of the skirt and her straw sewing basket.

 This appears to be a knit dress but I included it for the apron holder on the wall behind June.

Here she is taking it down. I'm not a fan of her hat.

 Here's a cute striped sailor dress.

 A view of the back.

Front detailing.

This dress from the last episode of season one appears to be a small paisley print.
I imagine it having some purple in it.

It has decorative trim all the way down the front.

It also has trim on the sleeves, collar, and pockets.

Lastly here's June in her robe (and pearls). It has a small floral pattern.

Fashion advice for the homemaker in TV Guide - click here to read what she has to say.
Barbara Billingsley on June Cleaver's Wardrobe.
I am also taking screenshots of their house. I really love their living area - lots of bookshelves! As I've posted before, I have a Classic TV House Plan book and the Cleaver's home is the first one featured. So far it is pretty accurate. I hope to get screenshots of all the rooms and post them soon with the house plan. Does anyone know what episodes show Ward and June's room?

[on comparing real-life families to the TV families]:

I just wish that we could have more families like those. Family is so important, and I just don't think we have enough people staying home with their babies and their children.

Here's a few screenshots of Beaver's 2nd grade teacher, Miss Canfield. She also had a re-occurring role on Maverick starring James Garner.

 Simple shirt-waist dress with a gingham belt for contrast.

 Miss Canfield is always understanding.

A pretty floral print shirt dress in a darker color. (Principal Mrs. Rayburn opted for a business-like tweed suit.)


  1. I love this post! June Cleaver is one of my favorite characters, and the show is marvelous. I still love it. We have watched this quite a bit with our kids, and they enjoy it as much as we did.

    1. Thanks! I watched it growing up and recently decided to watch it in order. We have the first two seasons on dvd and the rest are on Netflix (which doesn't allow screenshots though). I may add more dresses to this post (from the rest of season 1) so check back again!

  2. I really enjoyed this post. I was a big fan of the show and loved the dresses. I wish styles were still this crisp and pretty and practical.

  3. I grew up as a child watching the show on saturday mornings with my brother. Thinking back it was an influential show for young kids as far as right and wrong behavior. Loved the show and had a secret crush on june. Even today i can appreciate those beautiful classic dresses that were so feminine and beautiful!

  4. The episode showing the Cleaver’s bedroom was the one where Wally had a party and they had to stay upstairs. It was titled “The Party Spoiler” and was in the final season.

  5. June Cleaver wore same earrings in every episode. Also. in early episodes Beaver wore necklace hidden in his clothes

  6. Rumor has it that Barbara Billingsly wore those pearls to hide the scar from her thyroid removal surgery.

  7. I really enjoyed this post! June also wears the pretty colorful sweater in a season 6 episode titled “Uncle Billy’s Visit!” :)

    1. Interesting, thanks! One day I want to do this with the rest of the seasons.


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